About 65,000 people die in Virginia each year. As of today, the state reports that we have had 410 corona-virus deaths. This is .006% of the yearly total. Our idiot governor, Ralph Dr. Mengele Northam expects to keep restrictions on private citizens and businesses for 2 years.

Even these minuscule death rate numbers overstate the danger of the crisis. Almost all of the deaths are from people who are already dying or at least very sick. Thus, if a patient in an old folk’s home is morbidly obese, has diabetes and high blood pressure, and does not have long to live, but catches the virus and dies, his death is marked as a Corona-virus death.

I understand from medical professionals that there are two different ways to “code” a Corona-virus case. One code lists the virus as the cause of death if the virus was the actual cause of death. Another code lists the virus as the cause of death if  one merely had the virus, but other factors were the cause of death. Using this methodology, if a healthy 25 year old who unknowingly has the virus, gets robbed, shot and killed while walking his dog on a Sunday morning, his death is marked as Corona-virus death.  The NY Post reports that the “feds” are requiring hospitals to use this coding in reporting deaths.  The bottom line is, the numbers are being manipulated upwards.

Another factor that certainly leads to overstating the causes of death, is our government pays hospitals more for Corona-virus deaths. See this well vetted article.  Follow the money baby!

Then we have plain ole honest human nature. If you are a health care worker, and you are asked to tag a recent death as a corona-virus death or another co-morbidity, you are likely going to go for “Corona-virus.” Who doesn’t want to be a hero? During all this national hysteria, who doesn’t want to tell their neighbors about all the Corona-virus cases you are treating? Sorry folks, but this is the way we are all wired.

Ron “Dead Fish” Emmanuel

Finally, and perhaps the biggest reason Corona-virus deaths are being purposefully inflated are dirty, rotten, shameless  politicians. Ron Emmanuel, President Obama’s Chief of Staff, once uttered “never let a good crisis go to waste.” This is playing out in governor’s mansions all over the country.

The lesson? Think people! Don’t be like sheep and believe whatever is thrown at you. Your liberties and freedoms are being snatched from you!