Our Consitution recognizes, indeed celebrates God Given individual liberties. Man is made in the image of God, we are rational beings and we can think for ourselves, with no need for the “guvmnt” to think for us. While recognizing these divine liberties, the Constitution also created a federal republic. Self-government works best the closer it is to the people exercising self-government.

Home Boy Jimmy M

The Corona-virus epidemic illustrates how far this country has strayed from the ideals of our founding. We have an omnipotent federal government which  sucks all the air out of the body politic. James Madison in Federalist Papers No. 51 stated “if all men were angels, no government would be necessary.” Men are not angels, but this is especially true in government where men spend other people’s money. This money is extracted from other men at the point of a bayonet. Thus the politician thirsts for more power and control over other peoples’ lives. His ego is stroked by having the people grovel for favors. He becomes a demi-god, believing in his own divinity and wisdom. In his mind, only he and his ilk are capable of ruling. As Lord Acton famously stated: ” power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

The utterly corrupt political class in DC demogogues and sensationalizes to create opportunities to grab more power and control. As Democrat operative Ron Emmanuel famously said, never let a good crisis go to waste. This is illustrated by the $3 trillion spending bill Nancy Pelosi pushed through the House last night. See Mitch McConnell’s comments.

So, I pose this question. Suppose the federal government was not so powerful and still adhered to the principles of our founding?  Suppose in response to the Corona-virus, it DID NOTHING?

I say our local communities would have handled things just fine. We would not have had a national shut down of our economy and the United States would not have incurred $5 trillion of extra debt.

We are better off taking care of ourselves than having the omnipotent Nanny State take advantage of us.