Devon Henry

Devon Henry. Democratic political operative. Levar Stoney’s friend. Gets paid $1.8 million in secret from the City of Richmond for a job that should not have cost more than $100,000. Seems to have (my opinion) conspired with Levar to violate 18.2-137 Va Code, a felony, by desecrating war memorials. In today’s press conference, Levar says he didn’t know his buddy got the contract. #1 Levar is a liar. #2. He is a stupid liar. If you are going to lie, at least tell a lie that can be believed. #3. If he didn’t know his friend got the contract, who the hell is running the city? #4. Where did the money come from? #5. Which one of the two of you is going to reimburse the City $1.7 million?