Remember when Pontius Pilate decided to let the crowd, the ugly rabble, decide Jesus’ fate? What in the world is Judge Emmet Sullivan doing allowing amicus briefs to be filed in the Michael Flynn case? Moreover, he has appointed a retired,very partison judge to advocate on behalf of ____? On behalf of whom?

We have an adversary system of law where the individual parties are the ONLY principal players in a court proceeding. We don’t let the ugly rabble issue verdicts and swap out Barabbas for Jesus! This is especially true at the district court level. Ironically, a week ago, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled against the  practice of judges allowing amicus briefs to be filed in the 9th Circuit  in United States v. Sineneng-Smith.   Judge Ginsburg rightfully stated “Courts are essentially passive instruments of government.”

So who is Judge Sullivan? HERE ARE SOME ANSWERS.  Judge Sullivan was born, raised, schooled and has lived, worked and been on the government payroll his whole life. That’s all I need to know about him, because my brilliant mind tells me that there is a 97% chance that he has been corrupted by the Swamp Culture. I live 100 miles south of DC in Richmond. I know lots of Washington folks. They ain’t like us. Virtually everyone in DC sucks of the government teat in a “I scratch your back, you scratch mine incesteous cesspool of self interest.”

Here is a ROB IS RIGHT proposal for our federal legislators. Any criminal defendant in Washington should be able to choose another federal district court outside of the Swamp. Cases should be referred to the US Attorney’s offices in these districts. The deck is always stacked against conservatives and in favor of the Deep State in DC.

Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin’ down the plain…! Now that would be a proper venue.

