Alexander Hamilton, IV ( Champion BS-er)

Happy 85th birthday to the Crown Prince of Petersburg, Va, international ladies man and ex-star quarterback of Episcopal High School, the one and only, Mr. Alec Hamilton!!!


Upon graduating from law school, I worked for Big Al in the real estate bidness, where he regaled me innumerable stories of his athletic and amorous adventures, none of which were true, but all told with a certain twinkled eye and bonhomous delivery.

Years later, after I had gone my own way, I was telling a story to the boys in the locker room, and upon conclusion, one of the fellas, shaking his head, said: “Smith, you are the world’s best bull-hitter,” whereupon I said ” I have to give credit where credit is due, I learned at the feet of the Master, Alec Hamilton !”

When I told Big Al about this exchange, i could not have paid him a bigger compliment, for of all Big Al’s many accomplishments (scholar, Marine, titan of industry, churchman and more), he is MOST proud of his God given and considerable gift of gab.

At 85, he can still lay it on thick. He’s still the MASTER and he’s one of the best and finest gents ever. Happy Birthday Big Al!

Related: I Once Wrote A Love Letter To A Man