Corona-virus Death Rates. Why is it that people like me know more about the Corona-virus than our government and the media? My brothers and I talk everyday. For weeks, we have all agreed that ...
My high school Latin teacher gave all of her students Roman names that she thought captured their personalities. The Goody Two -Shoes kids got noble names like Cincinatus, Claudius and Germanicus. I was tagged “Robbie ...
Walter Smith (aka Fat Wally) Today is Fat Wally’s birthday. He’s the one on the left, I’m the good looking one. Y’all text him and wish him a Happy Birthday (804-840-1137). A few words about ...
MARSTON SMITH My old man would be 96 years old today. He died 30 years ago. I never really mourned his death because, frankly, I’ve always felt his presence. I can’t see him, but he ...
Another old war horse from my youth passes away. When I was 21, I was enamored with getting out into the world, meeting new people and having new experiences. Warsaw, Virginia was in my rear ...