“SCIENCE” The Left’s New Word To Squelch Criticism

There was a protest at the Virginia Capitol the other day about the economic shutdown in Virginia. Governor Ralph dismissed the protester’s concerns about the economic ruin his draconian stay at home order is causing. He said we will let “science and data” control when we open up the economy again.

Ah, “science!” This word is the new blunt instrument to squelch dissent and is now a new born sibling to its older brothers “racism” and “diversity.” If you are a left political hack and don’t like the facts and logic the “people” are throwing at you, scream “SCIENCE.” Of course as we have seen with the global warming hoax, any political hack can call himself a scientist. The Left hands the politically crafted “science” to a compliant media, all in an effort to create a crisis. A good crisis means that the Left can grab more power. The Left hates. In an effort to assuage their hatred, it wants to control and enslave. See ex-leftist radical David Horowitz’s thoughts.

Let Me Go Back To Work!

It is truly shocking how brain dead and tone deaf the Left is about destroying people’s businesses and livelihoods. Yesterday, Nancy Pelosi stated she could not understand protesters wanting to open up the economy.

She could not understand people being upset because the government has seized their private property and destroyed their lives. THINK ABOUT IT!