Dear Reader, I am going to let you in on a deep dark family secret. I am doing this more for me than for you. I hope exposing this humiliating skeleton in my family’s closet ...
Kudos to my friend and ideological soul brotha, John Tamny for articulating not just the value, but the necessity of “freedom” in all public policy decisions. As John states, “Freedom is always the answer.” The ...
GREAT BOOKS: For a guy like me, it is impossible to proclaim what was/is your favorite novel. This is kind of like stating what is your favorite food. Well hell, one day I might want ...
BOOK REVIEW ( and minor rant) I have been getting up at 4:30 am the past few days to knock off Rick Atkinson’s new book on the Revolutionary War. As a history buff, I ...
Knights of the Sea, by David Hanna. Awesome book about War of 1812 and American and British navies. Well written and balanced, in it you will find tales of martial ardor, bravery, honor and chivalry. ...