Today is my boy’s birthday. As is my custom (see below), no happy birthday expression is complete without a story! So it’s Super Bowl 2008, Coleman Smith is a Sr. in high school. A few ...
Listening to the lessons in church this morning, I realized that I need to let go of a deep, dark secret that I have been harboring in my heart for nearly 40 years. It is ...
Last Night, I engaged in Racial Profiling…… As the first half of the Virginia game was winding down, I had a hankering for ice cream. I knew I had enough time to walk down to ...
Today, I visited the men’s room at my local Starbucks and “sat down.” I began to fumble with my phone and wish people Happy Birthday on FB. Unfortunately.......
I have just heard that my name is not on President Trump’s short list to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court. This is a tragedy for America, and folks for the sake of our ...
Well, I am on my way to 8 o’clock church Sunday morning, and tall, blond, hot as a firecracker _______ (We’ll call her “Kunda Lini” to protect her identity, being an acquaintance of mine will ...
Anthony Weiner is in the news. The Weiners and the Smiths have always had a love hate relationship. Don’t get me wrong, Weiners know how to have fun; they are hard working and attentive, but ...