Another Week, even more Woke Nonsense! This week we are talking about Taylor Lorenz’s Rolling Stone feature, Matty Healy the new boyfriend of Taylor Swift, and Bob Huggins in Hot Fire. WE POST DAILY! If ...
Rob filmed this a few years back before Rob is Right had a Youtube Presence. What he said then is still true today. So sit back and enjoy Rob’s Easter Homily! WE POST DAILY! ...
On this Good Friday, we take a look at Jesus’ Earthly Father. Who was this man and what was he like? Buckle up because today we are learning about Saint Joseph. WE POST DAILY! If ...
Tomorrow’s news today from the legendary Rob Smith! It is August 9th 2022! Today’s stories are a Tribute to Olivia Newton-John, the First Son’s Dong, the IRS expands, the Inflation Reduction Bill, an Archbishop’s Condemnation, ...
Tomorrow’s news today from the legendary Rob Smith! It is June 23rd 2022! Today’s stories are Missouri’s AG fight against Censorship, Dr. Levine, Andrew Gillum Indicted, George Gascon, Biden’s Gas Tax Holiday, Transition to Electric ...
Rob is in San Francisco and when you are in the Belly of the Beast, it is always good to stir the pot. So, here is literally 20 Minutes of Nancy Pelosi being Drunk. Enjoy ...
Tomorrow’s news today from the legendary Rob Smith! It is March 3rd 2022! Today’s stories include but are not limited to: Wildest Moments of the State of the Union, Reactions to Ya Know the Thing, ...
Tomorrow’s news today from the legendary Rob Smith! Court Cases, CDC, Communication Teams, and Cops from Norfolk are just some of the many hot stories for today. Don’t forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT, ALL THAT ...
Another Week, even more Woke Nonsense! This week we are talking about the LA Dodgers Anti-Christian Drag Show, the Little Mermaid’s Makeup Artist, Beauty Pageant Freak-out, and Air Force Base Drag Story Time. WE POST ...