On November 14th 2022, Donald Trump formally announced his 2024 run for President of the United States. We have highlighted the most pertinent moments of the speech including his platform for 2024 and some funny ...
It is important to listen to what people say. So for your viewing pleasure, the Truckers and Protestors in their words and the State, the Trudeau Family and the Police, in theirs. The Truckers sure ...
Tomorrow’s news today from the legendary Rob Smith! It is February 18th 2022! Today’s stories include but are not limited to: Biden’s Brain Fart, AOC breaks the Law, Possible Assassin Runs Free, Leaked Audio, World ...
On this Memorial Day, my first instinct is to honor family members who left their homes to fight for ideals larger than themselves. However, Memorial Day’s purpose is to honor the dead, those who gave ...
As I write this, the guvment has effectively seized all private property in the United States, caused millions to lose their livelihood, debased the currency, shut down citizens’ rights to bear arms, and shut down ...
In light of my posts yesterday on natural law, my brother Fat Wally Smith, sent me this article which cites George Washington’s thoughts on what virtues are indispensable to a free, self- governing people. Fat ...
Did you know that since 1970, the percentage of humanity living in extreme poverty has fallen 80 percent? How did that happen? Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, explains.