I have never been one to cotton to the idea of a woman President, it is a decidedly BAD idea. Any guy who has had a flower pot thrown at him for no good reason or come home to see all of his personal belongings tossed into the front yard knows that giving the nuclear football to a woman is well,…….. bad for the environment. Imagine if at a State Dinner, the President of France neglects to complement our Woman President on her meatloaf? KABOOM!!! Say goodbye to the 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th Arrondisements. Charcoal City Baby!!!
However, what worries me more than a bunch of Frogs getting over heated is a woman in charge of our money supply.
Now that Larry Summers has dropped out of contention for Federal Reserve Board Chairman, it
looks as though President Obama is going to nominate Janet Yellen to be Chairman of the Fed. The first problem with this of course is she is NOT a babe ( See pic to the right, on second thought, just take my word for it). I mean if we are going to have a woman ruin the country, she should at least look like Nicole Pissari, right? ( See revised and much better pic to the right). The second problem of course is that Janet Yellen is a WOMAN and she is in charge of our MONEY!!! I can see where this is going. The first day on the job, not only will her new office have to be redecorated, but she will order every branch bank in the country to redo their lobbies. I have never understood why women have to get new draperies every 3 years. I mean, if they still work ( keep the sun out), why replace them? What will happen to all that gold in Fort Knox? I can tell you: melted down and turned into jewelry, that’s what! Does anybody really think she is going to keep her mits off of all that gold?
So what’s the solution, if not a woman, who? Fred Mertz, that’s who!!! Remember Fred from “I Love Lucy?” Now, Fred was a notorious cheap skate and that’s what we need in Washington, DC. Whenever Lucy and Ethel came up with some hair brained scheme, Fred always vetoed it. Certainly, he would put the deep six on quantitative easing, another hair brained scheme. Remember the episode when he was too cheap to post bail for Lucy and Ethel? Fred is the type of guy who would let the chips fall as they may and would not use the Fed to delay the inevitable. Ben Bernanke has a long history of incompetence, but Fred runs a tight ship and collects his rent on the first day of the month. Did you know the Fed has never been audited and Congress refuses to demand an audit? Fred will look at the books!!!
The Fed is a giant Ponzi scheme. It creates Federal Reserve Notes out of thin air, each dollar created, creates more debt. When the federal government needs more money, it swaps U.S. Treasury Bonds for Federal Reserve Notes. The Federal Reserve Notes are backed by NOTHING! The only way to keep this fraudulent system alive is to create more debt. The whole system is designed to debase the money supply, i. e., to cause inflation. Inflation is a hidden tax that allows the Fed Ponzi scheme to keep rolling along. The Fed lends gajillions of dollars to banks at near 0 interest, the banks in turn, use this fabricated money to buy government bonds to keep the system afloat.
In all seriousness, this entire system was created by MEN, so I am not even sure if Fred can help us. However, one thing is for SURE, at current rates of borrowing, the bubble will burst and soon. The only way to avoid economic catastrophe is for the federal government to quit spending more than it takes in.