There is a huge disconnect between people who draw government paychecks and those of us who are self employed and run our own businesses. It’s a difference in how one addresses problems. In the private ...
APRIL 9, 2020 My mother while a student at Parsons School of Design in NYC. She would be 94 today. She was a very cultured and learned woman. I remember her being able to name ...
F-China! Wet markets in China where disease from bats and monkeys get into the human food chain caused the Corona-virus. Yet, perhaps the worst virus affecting the world is the virus of “Political Correctness.” The ...
Boris Johnson is gravely ill with the Corona-virus. Few state leaders are as charismatic or as interesting as Boris Johnson. He embodies many of the old time virtues we Americans appreciate about the Brits. I ...
We American men are born free. We should not have to cower behind our front doors like little androgynous weeny boys. Let’s let the women, children and old people quarantine. As for me, I’d rather ...
Since Today Is Palm Sunday…….. and since the churches are closed, I’ll do the preachin!: Today Jesus rode into the Holy City……. Everybody thought he was a KING…… He was a KING……… But not the type ...
Does the Kennedy family have more than its fair share of tragedies. Are there just so many of them that that they average about the same amount of tragedies as most families? Two grandchildren and ...
Today is the day the feds turn on the $$ spigot. It will certainly help, but in many ways the damage has already been done. There are plenty of people who have been hurt. ...
Wells folks, the New York Times has just said “No Mas” to ROB IS RIGHT. They can’t compete. We are driving them out of business. Our viewership is soaring, theirs is in the toilet. Now ...
Today, I disavow my former allegiance to the Confederate States of America. In early 1861, 80% of the revenue that flowed into the federal treasury came from the southern states. The northern majority in ...