Richmond, Virginia is one of the most beautiful cities in America, certainly the most historic. It has had an incredible renaissance over the past 20 years. Old historic neighborhoods being gussied up, new businesses, a thriving cultural and entertainment scene. Worldwide recognition. As a native Virginian and long time Richmonder, I could not be more proud of my city. Multiple generations of my ancestors contributed to the life, vibrancy and integrity of this city. I am proud to be a part of this place. However, we have an enemy army in our midst, one that is constantly standing in our way and undermining our success. This enemy is well funded, its constant presence thwarts human industry and ingenuity. Its commanding officers proseltyse to us about their great benevolence, but in reality, their legions have us under their thumb. They pick pocket us. Like the mafia, they make us pay tribute to them to perform simple tasks that are either unnecessary or we could easily do ourselves.
The enemy among us? Our own GUVMENT!
Our founders realized that self-government should be designed to account for the positive and negative elements of our human nature. If one has a property right in an asset, one takes care of that asset. If one owns 1/1,000,000th of an asset, there is no vested interest to be a good steward. And here lies the problem with all of the many inefficiencies of guvment.
Saturday, I took a walk in the park. Look at the disgusting slime on this city lake. No private owner would allow this to happen. Have you ever noticed how there is no blade of grass out of place when homeowners associations maintain their property? But when the guvment, which has almost infinite resources owns property, it looks like Sanford and Son’s junkyard. Our state and city leaders have put a million people out of work and ruined countless businesses. Yet, we mere “subjects” still have to pay our tribute to the Roman Emperor to support his legions. Why do city workers still get paid, while the rest of us have had our property and livlihoods stripped from us? Why can’t the city deploy its army of paid workers to wade into this water and clean out the muck? Seriously?
Why not?